A few words about us

Mydreamwed.com is an online wedding management website where couples can own a wedding website, plan their weddings, administer and update their guest on important information and activities pertaining to their wedding. It is designed to give couples a memorable wedding experience as it encompasses all the wedding needs from conceptualization to actualization. We noticed that most times couples get wedding gifts that they really do not need, and it ends up wasteful, so why not present the couples with something that is actually needed and will be really appreciated. This site helps you to know exactly what the couple will desire as wedding gifts without it looking like the couples asked for it. Every other wedding needs from local professional vendors of wedding products and services can be listed on this site for couples to have access to and compare prices and proximity. Upon request a wedding page is opened for the intending couples on the main mydreamwed.com site and the link to the their site can be put on their invitation card and on every other social media platfoam, so that their guest can check in on the site and keep updated on every of the wedding event.

From the blog